
E-Novel Updates : The Heir by Kiera Cass

The Heir Cover, yeah I love the cover though, it's gray, I'm kind of have a sensitive memory with gray, haha

I know, I know. it seems almost all The Selection series fans has already screaming knowing this fourth book of the series was out for sales.

I know I'm a bit late to make the review. Holding the principle of Better late than never, so here I'm in a very good mood to writing, want to share my opinion about the book.

But before I begin, please don't judge me or mock me because this opinion of mine, okay, just be open-minded person, I'm in a free country and free world to express my thought.

okay let's stop the intro already (as usual, so typically of mine).

So, The Heir...
when the news coming out that another sequel would be exist, I was kind of freaking out, out of my mind, and really want to read that badly as soon as possible as if I could move mountain to another planet so that I could move every possible barriers that could stop me from reading the novel. ( I know I was being crazy, as usual, please forgive me). Reading the synopsis, it ttells that it would be a story of another selection session, this time the oldest children of Maxon-America will be the one in spotlight. Not like her parents, this time the selection will the him, yeah, now the selections will be all a handsome man from all corner of the country.

About 3 month later after I read the synopsis, I finally got the novel, yeahhh, I'm so exited as hell. I gotta read it soon, I gotta read it soon, that what in my thought back then. But after read about a third of the story, believe me or not, I actually got bored (Sorry, please, I beg you be nice, don't throw any kind of sharp object to me okay).

Yeah I got bored, I have no idea why in earth I could be boring. It doesn't make sense, right?. but after I doing my research, I finally can understand it's not about the way the author writing the story that could be different with their former, but instead it because the main character was actually a female. so I can't get the "thing" that I always looking in a story, you know what I mean? yah, just pretend that you know okay (forgive my lack in English, just do me a favor okay, just pretend you understand what I mean, it makes me happy, haha).

Another reason is because the story now set in Maxon reign, so, no more the rebels, no more the castes, no more the evil father or king, no more forbidden love, everyone seems so happy in that time, so I'm not in a thrill atmosphere when reading the novel, there are not even a single moment when I want to bite someone hands just to show how much I'm in into the story. This sequel just tells about a girl's world and what is in her mind, a girl in common that happen to be a princess, a princess looking for a company that happen to be, eng ing eng..... haha....

I finally realize every time I read the novel, one thing I desperately looking forward was a moment that tells about Maxon or Maxon with America. haha, ya, I know that one was the main reason that makes me give this sequel 3 out of 5 stars, I still couldn't moved on with Maxon story, he's the reason why I like this series badly, he's the reason why I forced myself making a short free time for reading the forth book in the middle of this chaos of my life.

So that what I thought, don't get me wrong, I'm still in love with the series, it only that it's all about my only self that can't be an open minded person when reading the story. So here I am still want to give you the link of the ebook. as usual it's an .epub, I much prefer reading in epub format, so that you would like to read in epub too.. hehe... so, enjoy reading, click the minions picture below!!!
 Click Me, Click Me !!!

2 komentar:

  1. Haaai, aku juga suka banget sama serial inii hihihi. Tapi susah banget cari bukunyaa :( jadi selalu cari yg online..
    Ada yg punya link yg The Queen nggak? Hehehe thanks

  2. Terimakasihh~ Saya pengen banget baca buku kiera cass udah nyari bukunya tapi belum pernah ketemu.. dan akhirnya saya menemukannya meski tidak berwujud kasar, tapi untuk sementara tidak apa-apa.. terimakasih banyak ^^


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